Chhaprabhaata Yatri Nivas

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Yatri Nivas Chhaprabhaata
Yatri Nivas Chhaprabhaata
Yatri Nivas Chhaprabhaata

News and Media

September 01, 2024

Publisher: Dharti No Dhabkar

National Sports Day was organized at Yatri Niwas Chaprabhatha (Amaroli).

Surat : The "National Sports Day" was celebrated as a joint initiative of Nehru Yuva Kendra-Surat (Ministry of Youth Program and Sports, Government of India) and Yatri Niwas Chaprabhatha (RK Decorators) managed by Gujarat Tourism Corporation. Major Dhyan Chand was commemorated on this National Sports Day in which the students of Vidyadeep University participated enthusiastically. Tug of war and Musical Chairs were organized in this sports festival. Winners were awarded with trophies and certificates. Devipujak Manojbhai of Nehru Yuva Kendra Surat, Chauhan Ravibhai of Yatri Niwas Chaprabhatha, Paliya Divyeshbhai, Khavadiya Pradeepbhai and Harshabhai Rajput as Umpire (from Make in Sports Academy) and professors of Vidyadeep University were present in this program. More than 100 students of the college were present in this program.

Yatri Nivas Chaprabhatha


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